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12-Minute Workouts for 12 Days of Wellness

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Today, we’re sharing short 12-minute workout routines with you for Quality of Life’s 12 Days of Wellness. These are simple and doable to fit in during the busy holiday season. You’ll feel much better if you get a short sweat and calorie burn in and get your heartrate up, even in as little as 12 minutes, before you indulge in holiday treats and spend time with your loved ones!

Key Takeaways:

  • The holiday season is busy, making it difficult to stick to a regular workout regimen.
  • Discover ideas for short 12-minute workout routines during the holidays.
  • Learn how to maximize your short workout to get the most out of it before a busy day.

Table of Contents:

  1. 12-Minute Workout Routines for 12 Days of Wellness
  2. Oligolean™ for Weight Management
  3. Have a Healthy Holiday Season with QOL

12-Minute Workout Routines for 12 Days of Wellness

We’re celebrating 12 Days of Wellness at Quality of Life! What better way to celebrate wellness than with workouts that will help you stay healthy this season? We came up with some short and easy workout routines (12 minutes is all you need!) so you can make sure you still prioritize your health during a busy season.

12-minute jump rope

This one is simple. Grab a jump rope, set your timer for 12 minutes, and get your heart rate up and your sweat on! Jumping rope for 12 minutes can feel strenuous, so you may need to take short breaks. If you feel unable to continuously jump for the full 12 minutes, try adding in a few active recoveries to get your heartrate down like wall sits, lunges, crunches, or planks, before getting back to it! Tip: If you don’t have a jump rope, you can simply jump in place, alternating your rhythm and intensity.

12-minute boxing sequence

You don’t need any equipment for this one. You’ll go through a sequence of six exercises for one minute each, rest 30 seconds, and repeat. Remember to use your core and keep your legs engaged for a full-body workout during this routine.

  1. 1 minute: Cross-body alternating punches
  2. 1 minute: Straight alternating jabs
  3. 1 minute: Alternating hooks
  4. 1 minute: Alternating uppercuts
  5. 1 minute: Alternate cross-body punches at the ground
  6. 1 minute: Alternate above head punches
  7. Rest 30 seconds, and repeat sequence

Tip: You can choose your own intensity and speed depending on whether you want more controlled movements that engage all the muscles or more of a cardio burn.

12-minute core burnout

This one is sure to get your abs and full core burning before you hit your holiday plans! All you need is a mat to go through this sequence.

  1. 1 minute: Plank
  2. 30 second: Left side plank
  3. 30 second: Right side plank
  4. 1 minute: Slow mountain climbers
  5. 1 minute: Full sit-ups
  6. 1 minute: Russian twists
  7. 1 minute: V-ups
  8. 30 second: Flutter kicks
  9. 30 second: Scissor kicks
  10. 1 minute: Alternating toe touches
  11. 1 minute: Back plank hold
  12. 1 minute: Pulsing crunches
  13. 1 minute: Dead bugs
  14. 1 minute: Bridge lifts

Tip: If you have extra time you can repeat the sequence again for a bonus burn!

12-minute squat-lunge sequence

Get your legs burning before you hit your holiday shopping and parties! For this 12-minute workout, you’ll go through a sequence of lunges and squats, rest 30 seconds, and repeat. You don’t need any equipment for this workout.

  1. 1 minute: Alternating lunges
  2. 30 second: Right side lunge pulses
  3. 30 second: Left side lunge pulses
  4. 1 minute: Squats
  5. 30 second: Squat pulses
  6. 1 minute: Sumo squats
  7. 30 second: Sumo squat pulses
  8. 1 minute: Alternating curtsey lunges
  9. Rest 30 seconds, and repeat the sequence

Tip: Add dumbbells for an extra challenge! Or if you have more than 12 minutes, repeat the sequence for multiple sets.

12-minute advanced full-body cardio burn

This is an intense 12-minute workout that will get your heartrate up, your body burning, and the sweat dripping! All you need is a mat for this workout.

  1. 1 minute: Jumping jacks
  2. 1 minute: Squat thrusts
  3. 1 minute: Mountain climbers
  4. 1 minute: Plank hold
  5. 1 minute: Squat jumps
  6. 1 minute: Alternating lunge jumps
  7. 1 minute: Pushups
  8. 1 minute: Plank hold shoulder taps
  9. 1 minute: Bear crawls
  10. 1 minute: High knees in place
  11. 1 minute: Skiers
  12. 1 minute: Slow and controlled squats

Tip: If this workout is too intense, try modifying any of the jumping exercises, slowing the pace, or cutting the time for each exercise down.

Oligolean™ for Weight Management

Oligolean™ is a premium weight management supplement that boasts a powerful blend of Oligonol® and yerba mate. Oligonol® is derived from lychee fruit and green tea, known for its numerous health benefits, including supporting weight loss efforts.* Its ability to reduce visceral fat, boost metabolism, and control hunger sets the stage for effective and sustainable weight management, which often takes a back seat during the holidays.

Unlike supplements focused solely on calorie burn, Oligolean™ is a holistic weight management formula that gives your whole metabolism a tune-up. It targets calorie expenditure, supports healthy body weight, blood sugar and blood lipid levels, and appetite.*

The benefits of Oligolean™ include:

  • Visceral Fat Reduction
  • Metabolism Boost
  • Hunger Control

When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, this supplement can help you reach the next level on your weight management journey!* This may be on your mind more than ever during holiday indulgence and soon heading into the new year.

Prepare for your healthy New Year habits early this year with the help of Oligolean™!

Have a Healthy Holiday Season with QOL

Go ahead and get your quick 12-minute burn on this holiday season during the 12 Days of Wellness! We hope you’re able to try some of these short workout routines during a busy holiday season and feel a little better about your progress as you gather and enjoy festivities with family and friends.

Quality of Life wants to help you keep up with your health goals even during the holidays. We’re all about attainable goals—and we’re here to help you on your wellness journey!

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