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6 Things To Do On Black Friday That Don’t Involve Shopping!


Thanksgiving is officially over but unfortunately the holiday mayhem is just beginning. Black Friday is here and it’s time to take advantage of all the deals and mark off your gift list. So ditch the dessert and the family time and head over to mall, stand in line with a bunch of strangers to get the best deal for the 32’ inch TV...  

As you’re reading this it might not sound all that great, the whole spending your day searching for good deals. How about this Black Friday you do something else, something good, something worthwhile, after all you still have Cyber Monday to shop and you can do that in the comfort of your own home!

Check out our list of 6 other things you can do instead of going Black Friday shopping this year: 

  1. Make lunches for the holiday shift workers. Many jobs require their employees to work on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, such as police officers and firefighters. What better way to show your appreciation than packing up some turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie and head to the station to share your treats. After all, thanksgiving leftovers are the best kinds of leftovers!
  2. Send holiday cards to soldiers. It’s the holiday season, a time to express what you’re grateful for. Why not express some thanks to the soldiers overseas who sacrifice so much for our country? Show your appreciation by writing letters to them. Get your kids involved and ask them to draw pictures expressing their gratitude. To get started, visit org for more information on how to start your letter and where to find your local drop off center.
  3. Donate to those in need. It’s a time to be thankful but it’s also a time to give back. This Black Friday instead of heading to the mall and splurging, try giving back! Collect some canned foods and donate it to your local food bank. Clean out your closet and donate any used clothes to your local American Red Cross or Salvation Army.
  4. Visit a nursing home. Feel like getting out of the house? Take a trip to your local nursing home. Call ahead and ask about their visiting hours and let them know how many people will be joining you. Make some holiday cards beforehand and sing some holiday carols – this will for sure bring some extra holiday cheer to the residents.
  5. Start decorating for the next holiday. Now that Thanksgiving is officially over it’s time to start decorating for the next holiday! Get the family to swap all of the Thanksgiving decorations for the December holiday décor.
  6. Have a family photoshoot. It’s always nice having family back in town for the holidays – so make sure to document it! This is the perfect opportunity to have a family photoshoot. Have everyone gather up in the living room, set up the camera timer on your phone, smile, and say “Cheese!” You’ll have your memories documented and a perfect picture for your holiday card.

This holiday season make sure to give back and spend time with family. Remember you still have Cyber Monday so take advantage of your day off and do some good!

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