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7 Games That Can Boost Brain Health

The brain is the most complex organ in our body. To date, technology has yet to fully emulate all the power that the human brain possesses, and not for lack of trying. The human brain truly is a marvelous organ, and we are lucky to be prime beneficiaries.

As seemingly perfect as our brain is, it's not without faults, and one of those faults is the inability to function at 100%, especially as we age. However, there are many ways to stay sharp and agile through our advanced years, and one of them is by playing games.

A brain that must continuously learn new things (or get mentally exercised daily) will endure better through the years. There are thousands of games available to help you stay sharp, focused, and maintain memory, so we made a list of the 7 best games for long-term brain health and function.

1. Chess

Chess is perhaps one of the best brain exercises in the world. As you know, chess challenges players to form a strategy to win while responding to how the opponent is playing as well. So the challenge of chess lies in making your opponent adjust to you and not the other way around, which can be quite the mental exercise.

2. Word and Number Puzzles

Including Sudokus, Crossword puzzles, and other forms of puzzles, these puzzles make you think about how the pieces properly fit together. The best part about word and number puzzles is how they are meant to be done alone, so you can exercise the parts of your brain that involve focus and logic at peace.

3. Card Games

The most popular card game when it comes to brain health is solitaire, but card games involving other players can also help activate the parts of the brain involving memory, planning, and simulation. There's surprisingly a lot of thinking (and bluffing) going on in group card games, and the best thinker always wins.

4. Riddles

Riddles found in books, online, comics, or even some cardboard games with friends can help give the brain a mental workout. Riddles work best for brain function if it repeatedly stumps you, as this is a sign of continuous brain engagement.

5. Videogames

Not all video games are just for mindless fun. A lot of them take a surprising amount of brainpower, especially games involving strategy. Even shooting games can train focus and boost what we call hand-eye coordination, or the body's ability to respond to what the brain wants it to do hastily. There are also a lot of mobile games that require brainpower, and they can be played anywhere.

6. Roleplaying

Role-playing can both be an indoor or outdoor game. Regardless, this works the brain's imagination and creativity centers. Then, of course, it can also train focus as it takes quite an effort to play a role seriously without breaking character.

7. Park Games

Playing with friends or just running around may not look like a brain workout, but some research finds outdoor games can help control emotions and support problem-solving skills. Basketball, football, and other team sports also require IQ, especially as these games have many mental factors to consider achieving victory.


Maintaining long-term brain health involves more than just eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle. The brain, like our body, also needs exercise, and the only way to exercise the brain is by playing games. Indoor or outdoor, solo or group, games keep the brain engaged and sharp.

If you want to get more out of playing games for your brain, check out Cogni-Q.

Cogni-Q is formulated to provide long-term brain-protective benefits. It is also specially formulated for those who are of advanced age. In addition, it synergizes well with games because the ingredients in Cogni-Q are designed to work best when the brain is actively focusing or learning. *

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