7 Natural Ways to Normalize Your Cholesterol Levels
The holidays are over, but our body is still reeling from all the food and drinks we put inside it a few weeks ago. So, it wouldn’t be completely weird if you’ve grown a bit thicker or if you weigh a little heavier. Naturally, you’d want to make sure that you get back into your previous weight, but we have to also consider something more important than weight, and that is our cholesterol level.
As with anything related to fitness and health, getting a normal cholesterol range is more about consistency and discipline than anything else. Luckily, we’re here to make it easier for you to hit your cholesterol goal. We compiled the 7 best ways to get to that normal cholesterol range and maintain it for the long term.
1. Drink more water
One of the easiest and most convenient ways to normalize cholesterol levels is to simply fill your stomach with water. Water in itself is 0 calories and has no real nutrition to it other than how it helps cleanse and hydrates. The more water you drink, the less likely are you to eat anything that could contribute to higher cholesterol. Not to mention drinking water can help fight mid-day or late night cravings.
2. Eat more vegetables
It’s no secret that vegetables are good for the body. In fact, many experts would readily suggest eating more plants than animal-based foods if you’re after optimal health, especially when it comes to cholesterol. Many studies link increased vegetable intake with normal levels of cholesterol as well as better weight management.
3. More fruits over candy
Fruits are pretty much nature’s answer to your sweet cravings, and they should be treated as such. Not only do fruits naturally taste good (with some really sweet or zesty), they’re also a potent source of nutrients the body regularly uses to help maintain normal cholesterol levels. They’re also better than candies because unlike candies, fruits don’t have any unhealthy additives to them. Candies can contain all sorts of nasty ingredients, some of which could result in abnormal levels of cholesterol.
4. Exercise more, not harder
The key to long-term health isn’t intensity, but consistency. This is practically a fact right now when it comes to anything related to fitness and health, moreso for workouts. Exercise not only burns calories and excess fat (and cholesterol), but it also prompts the body to produce more HDL - the good cholesterol. The more frequent you exercise, the more your body is inclined to burn fat and produce HDL.
5. Do things the hard way
We’re always presented to do things the easy way, which can mean to do things with as minimal physical effort as possible. This can be a problem for those who barely have time for exercise, as they would be depriving themselves of the opportunity to be physically active. To solve this, people can just do things the hard way. Here are some examples:
- When riding a bus or cab somewhere, get off a few blocks ahead and walk the rest of the way
- If you’re only going one floor up or down, take the stairs.
- Don’t go to the nearest restroom. Instead, go to the next nearest restroom so you can walk longer.
- Avoid sitting for long hours. If you can, avail of a standing desk at work.
- Clean your car or house by yourself
- Ride a bicycle to work if possible
- Avoid escalators if you have the time to use the stairs.
6. Take natural supplements
Supplements today have managed to take what’s good in nature and concentrate them in capsules, tablets, or powders. One of these supplements is Cholestequel, a supplement that promotes a healthy and normal cholesterol range. It’s made with a patented probiotic formulation called Floradapt Cardio that consists of no less than three unique strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, a probiotic that helps the body break down bile salts that contribute to high cholesterol levels.
7. Learn how to cook
Perhaps one of the best things you can do for your cholesterol (and for yourself) is to learn to cook food yourself. This not only lets you choose what your body would have, you also get to scrutinize each ingredient you have, opting only for the foods that would benefit your cholesterol levels.
Weight loss and cholesterol levels often go hand in hand. A healthier weight can often lead to healthier cholesterol levels, and the same can be said if the two were to switch places. There are plenty of ways to help keep your cholesterol levels in check, but if you want to go for the best ones, our list should help you hit your cholesterol goals faster.