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A Healthy Gut Can Improve Your Total Health


Struggling with your gut health is very uncomfortable. Digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, and stomach pain are no fun for anyone. But did you know that your gut health affects your entire body?

Your digestive system is full of bacteria that make up your gut microbiome. When your gut health is off, it can impact all other aspects of your health. Read on to learn more about the relationship between your digestive system and your overall health.

Digestive Discomfort

You will start to notice unpleasant digestive symptoms when your gut bacteria are thrown off balance. These symptoms can make it hard to enjoy social situations and meals. Many people struggle with poor gut health from unhealthy eating habits, stress, and other factors. Below are some hallmark signs that your gut health is less than ideal.


Do you get a burning feeling in your chest after you eat a big meal? This is a condition called heartburn. Heartburn affects everyone differently, but it is a sign that something is wrong with your digestive tract. It can cause sleeping problems, and many who are prone to heartburn have to sleep with their heads and chests elevated. Heartburn happens when your stomach produces too much acid in response to the food you eat, and the acid rises into your esophagus and causes chest pain, burning, and discomfort. Pregnant women and people who eat a lot of spicy foods are particularly at risk of experiencing heartburn.


If your stomach pushes outward and makes you feel uncomfortable, you are experiencing bloating. Bloating is a sign that your digestive system is having difficulty processing the food you eat properly.

When your gut microbiome is out of balance, you may experience frequent bloating and tightness in your abdomen. Bloating is common after big meals as well.


Feeling nauseated after eating is a sign of poor gut health. Your digestive system protects itself by trying to expel your stomach contents, and this results in feelings of nausea and, in some cases, vomiting.

Nausea can be very distressing, especially if you fear vomiting. Luckily, revitalizing your gut health can help prevent this pesky digestive symptom.

Mood Changes

Poor gut health can severely impact your mental health. Multiple studies have shown that a "gut-brain axis" links your digestive system to your brain. People with poor gut health often experience feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability, and sadness. These mental health problems are signs of something being off in your gut.

Having a positive mood can change the way you view your life. Taking care of your mental health is as essential as your physical health. You can alleviate some of these distressing psychological symptoms by improving your gut health.

Skin Tone and Texture

Your skin responds to your gut health more than most people realize, and an imbalance in your gut bacteria can translate into skin concerns. Signs of poor gut health include rough skin texture, redness, acne, and irritation. If you have a healthy skincare routine and no underlying skin conditions, it might be time to look at your digestive health.

Your skin responds quickly when you eat a lot of junk food or drink alcohol in excess. You may notice skin breakouts after the holidays or a night out. You will see a clearer, more radiant complexion if you work to improve your gut health.

Weight Gain

Being overweight or obese is tied to poor nutrition and bad gut health. When your gut health is poor, your body has difficulty absorbing beneficial nutrients from your food.

Many people with poor gut health experience rapid weight gain and find those extra pounds hard to lose. When your gut health is optimized, you can maintain a healthy weight and absorb nutrients better.

Unhealthy eating habits can wreak havoc on your digestive system. When you overeat, your stomach produces more acid to break down the excess food you consume. As a result, you may feel stomach pain, heartburn, and nausea after eating.


Continuing to overeat and consuming too many unhealthy foods can cause your gut health to suffer. Adopting healthy habits is vital for improving your gut health and dropping the extra pounds.

Revitalize Your Gut Health with Peptisol®*

If you are tired of experiencing unwanted digestive symptoms after meals, there is a solution. Peptisol® is our premium gut health supplement that relieves symptoms of occasional indigestion.* We formulated Peptisol® with plant-based extracts that increase your digestive comfort and promote regular bowel movements.*

Regular Bowel Movements*

Peptisol® contains artichoke leaf extract to help regulate your bowel movements.* Artichoke leaf extract has been shown to alleviate occasional constipation and diarrhea.* If you suffer from these symptoms, try Peptisol® to help you get back to a regular bathroom schedule.*

Reduced Nausea*

Ginger has been a known remedy for nausea for hundreds of years. Peptisol® contains ginger to combat nausea after big meals.* The compounds in ginger block receptors in your stomach that cause feelings of nausea.*

Due to the ginger extract in Peptisol®, you can look forward to eating what you want without worrying about uncomfortable nausea and vomiting after a meal.

Less Heartburn and Stomach Pain*

We formulated Peptisol® with licorice root extract to protect against occasional heartburn.* Licorice root extract decreases the acidity of your stomach fluids to prevent those uncomfortable burning sensations.* This ingredient also helps line your stomach with protective mucus to decrease stomach pain and acid problems after a meal.*

Gone are the days of feeling nauseous, bloated, and uncomfortably full after meals. Peptisol® can help you enjoy a healthy gut while still eating the foods you love.* Pick up a bottle of Peptisol® from Quality of Life to improve your gut health today!*

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