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Celebrate Memorial Day with these 6 activities!


For many of us Memorial Day is considered the unofficial kick off to summer. When we think Memorial Day or Memorial Day weekend we tend to think; BBQ, three day weekend, and beaches. Of course holidays are a great excuse to partake in fun activities but it is also important to remember the meaning behind Memorial Day.

Thanks to President Richard Nixon the last Monday of May became a federal holiday to honor the men and women who lost their lives serving our country. Of course holidays are a great time to spend with family and relax, but don’t forget to reflect on why this holiday was first implemented.

This Memorial Day make sure to make it more than just a day off, celebrate Memorial Day with these fun activities that celebrate the meaning behind this holiday:

  1. Send a care package. Organize a neighborhood event for kids to write thank you cards to veterans across the country. Take it a step further and put together care packages for active troops.
  2. Make a red, white, and blue dessert. Get the kids together and make some tasty patriotic treats. This is a good way to keep the kids busy while also rewarding them for their hard work with a tasty treat.
  3. Host a patriotic barbeque. What better way to celebrate Memorial Day than getting neighborhood friends together and having a BBQ. Make sure to invite those who have loved ones overseas.
  4. Attend your local parade. Most towns celebrate Memorial Day with an annual parade to honor those who have served our country. Check out your local paper for more on local events.
  5. Read up on the meaning of Memorial Day. Kids might think that Memorial Day is just a day off from school. Take them to a park or lay out by the pool and read some books that explain the meaning and importance behind Memorial Day.
  6. Visit a ‘veterans’ cemetery. Have you or your kids pick out some flowers and make a trip to your closest veterans cemetery. Pay tribute by placing flags and flowers for those who have lost their lives serving our country.

No matter what you and your family decide to do for Memorial Day make sure to take a moment during your fun-filled day and reflect on the importance behind Memorial Day!




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