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Dealing with Stress: The QOL Way


Stress is an inevitable part of life that can often be quite a challenge to live through. When you are stressed out, you are not at your optimal level of health. No one is born knowing how to deal with stress or, let alone, how to get rid of it. Over time, we all learn our own personal ways to combat our stressors, healthily.

In the trying times we are in today, there are several unique methods you can explore to cope with stress! With numerous companies still adhering work-from-home policies, it is imperative to practice self-care to relieve the pressures of everyday life. Through numerous online resources you can still combat stressors safely in the comfort of your own home.

Opting for some at-home workouts, virtually meeting with health professionals, taking online courses, and even considering picking up a new hobby can all be great outlets. With warmer months approaching numerous areas of the country, getting outside to enjoy the outdoors, along with getting some good old Vitamin D, can help bring you to your Zen.

We decided to ask team members at Quality of Life their favorite ways to alleviate their stressors. Below, we have compiled a list of what a few QOL employees have adopted as their personal way to combat stress!

  • "I try to stay away from any screens in the last 30 minutes before going to sleep. I have gotten into the habit of reading or listening to a podcast or an audio book."

  • "I take a relaxing bath and do some selfcare like a facemask. I try to journal daily as well."

  • "I try to get 30 minutes of exercise each day. I always make get into the habit of heading out for a walk. Getting yourself addicted to your favorite podcasts can help with that."

  • "In my free time, I have recently started to take up gardening as a hobby. I have really enjoyed being outside in the fresh air and getting some Vitamin D from the sunshine! My dog also loves to follow me and helps me dig some holes."

  • "I deal/avoid stress by coming to work with a positive attitude, being on time, maintaining a daily routine, writing a to do list while keeping track of what needs to be done and what was accomplished."

  • "I like to go on nature hikes with my friends on the weekends. It is a great way to get my heart rate up, get some good exercise, and enjoy nature with good company."

  • "I take our serotonin. I do two vegicaps whenever I feel super stressed, and it gives me a lowkey energy rush followed by calmness."

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