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Don’t Sweat the Gym… 5 Ways to Workout Without a Gym!

It's not me... it's you... is it time to break up with your gym? 

This time of year, the gym can be a chaotic place. Often loud, overcrowded, with harsh fluorescent lighting. Yikes! Working out should improve your health - mental and physical, but this type of environment can cause adverse effects. Additionally, gyms are a breeding ground for illness, during cold and flu season when your body is at a higher risk of getting sick you may want to avoid areas with high germ exposure.

Lucky for you, you don't need to go to a gym to get a good workout! Here are five ways how to steer clear of the gym and still meet your fitness goals.

  1. Try boutique fitness classes: boutique fitness classes are super popular! Although these classes tend to be more expensive, you are paying for the experience. There are extensive options when it comes to small fitness classes, from spin classes to HIIT, you can find something that caters to your fitness goals. ClassPass is a great way to explore class options in your area and try out a bunch at discounted rates.
  2. Use online workout videos: use your resources! The internet has tons of free workout videos. Find bodyweight workouts that you can do in your home with no equipment. Many personal trainers are now using YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to attract new clients! Many of them offer free workouts and nutritional advice - do some research and find one that works for your goals.
  3. Find sneaky ways to get exercise: go outside for a walk or run. Walk your dog, if you don't have one, volunteer at an animal shelter. If you have kids, spend some time outside playing with them. Fill your weekend with fun activities that also involve moving. For example, shopping, skiing, ice skating, hiking, or dancing!
  4. Make housework a workout! Cleaning your space can be an incredible workout. Keeping your home clean will also have positive effects on your health, both physical and mental.
  5. Take the stairs: choose to take the stairs when it's an option! If you have stairs in your house or apartment building, do a few extra laps when you have spare time.

We hope these five tips will help you get your sweat on outside of the gym! 

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