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Have a Healthy Summer with these 5 Tips

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Summer is here and we’re sure you are just as ready as we are here at QOL for the long warm days. Although summer is known for fun in the sun and its beautiful weather we can’t forget about the pesky immune challenges that could come with it. Although winter and its cold weather are over we still have to worry about dodging a cold – the summer cold that is.

This past winter was tough. Thousands across the country were affected by immune disruptive sicknesses. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re in the clear because its summer. Strengthening your immune system could help discourage the unwelcomed scratchy throat or stuffed up nose!

Summer’s long warm days interrupted by bursts of air-conditioned homes and offices unfortunately create the perfect environment for the summer cold. With the added increase in outdoor physical activities your immune system could be impacted, causing it to temporarily weaken. 

Unfortunately, like any immune challenges, there’s no real treatment. What you can do is take care of the symptoms and wait for your immune system to get to work. You can also take some stepsto stay healthy this summer, and all year long:. 

  • Eat for immunity. Eating your fruits and veggies can be hard but you know what’s harder? Battling the scratchy throat or stuffed up nose. Get the nutrients your body needs from the fresh foods you eat.
  • Rest up! We can’t stress enough how important sleep Your body needs to rest up to be ready to fight off any intruders.
  • Work out. Get your body moving for immunity! It is said that exercising regularly can enhance your immune system.
  • Use a humidifier. Air conditioning can cause low humidity which dries out nasal passages, making it hard to trap microbugs that enter your sinuses and cause immune challenges.
  • Take some supplements. We all have off days – those kinds of days where we don’t have time to hit the gym, didn’t get enough sleep, or are just not feeling ourselves. Don’t let these things throw you off. Taking immune support supplements such as AHCC® Kinoko Platinum, can help your body stay on track.

Winter may be over but don’t let immune challenges take you out this summer. Get enough sleep, eat your vegetables, and take your supplements. You don’t want to miss out on all of the summer fun. And make you check out these additional 5 tips on how to stay healthy all year round.  

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