How to do a Physical and Emotional Spring Cleaning!
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. This expression refers to the brutal days of winter weather that we endure in the beginning of March, drawing likeness to the strong spirit of a lion. By the time March is over, the weather has (ideally) turned into the warm weather of spring - reflecting the gentle nature of a lamb. March is a transitional time – at QOL we believe this transitional period is an ideal time to start your spring cleaning. Spring cleaning can refer to your physical space – but also we would like to point out the importance of having a mental spring cleaning.
Cleaning and organizing your physical space is great for your health! Clutter can have a negative impact on your mental health and excessive dust can cause allergic reactions. Spring cleaning may be overwhelming - If you are unsure where to start, make a schedule!
First, sit down and analyze your home. Figure out what areas need the most work or which areas you tend to skip during your routine cleaning. Those will be the best places to start – try writing down a room-by-room cleaning checklist to keep you focused and on track. If you feel like your space is dark and heavy this is a good time to make some small changes to make it light and fresh for spring. Some ways you could do this is by hanging new colorful art on the walls or throwing some bright colored pillows on your couch. Replacing items such as bedding, towels, table linens, or window treatments can do a lot to lighten up a space.
Next, we would like to go over some spring cleaning safety tips. Cleaning can unsettle all the winter dust on furniture and fixtures - If you suffer from allergies this can be problematic for you. Using an air-purifier or wearing a facemask can help reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. You can also take a natural supplement for allergy relief, such as Allerfin®. If you are using cleaning products containing heavy-duty chemicals, be sure to read the labels and follow the given instructions. Make sure to wear rubber gloves while using these products containing strong chemicals. When you can – choose all natural cleaning products. Health food stores often sell a wide selection of green cleaning products that do not have harmful chemicals in their formulation.
Lastly, the winter is a hectic and stressful time - so March is a good time to consider cleaning out your mental and emotional spaces. If you have never done an emotional spring cleaning before don’t worry! Your QOL family is here to help with some easy tips:
- Create some quiet time for yourself – plan some alone time to take an internal inventory and identify what has been cluttering your heart and mind. Yoga, meditation, or going for a walk are excellent examples of activities that promote internal reflection and give you a chance to tune into your inner self. Take a break from technology and spend some time visualizing how you want to feel in your life and relationships.
- Take note – take out a journal and write down your thoughts and emotions. This can help clear out your emotional space and make your emotions seem more manageable. You may not realize how cluttered your mind has become until you start writing them down.
- Release a grudge – giving up a grudge can free up your emotional energy. You will then be able to invest this extra energy into positive areas of your life. Having a range of emotions including anger and hurt is normal but you should not let those feelings take a permanent residence in your head.
- Practice extreme positivity – cut out all negative self-talk. This includes self judgement and victimizing. Avoid using shoulda’, coulda’, and woulda’ statements and instead focus on being present.
We hope you find these tips useful! It is important to enter spring with your best foot forward. These spring cleaning efforts will not only help you – but they will have a positive effect on your family and loved ones.