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How to Stay Calm While Traveling + Other Travel Essentials

Traveling can be stressful. Here are our tips on how to stay calm while traveling and other travel essentials

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn travel essentials, including how to stay calm while you’re traveling
  • Find out which QOL supplements can make traveling a more relaxing experience
  • Follow our tips for making your flights or long drives manageable by staying physically healthy. 

Use Quality of Life premium health supplements to protect your mental and physical health while traveling!*

Table of Contents:

  1. Got the Travel Jitters?
  2. Flight Anxiety
  3. Serenelle®: Calm Your Nerves While Flying*
  4. Stay Healthy While Traveling: Immune Health Supplements
  5. Boost Your Immune Function with AHCC®*
  6. Immune Support, Detoxification, and Protection: Advasorb® Vitamin C*
  7. Tips to Reduce Travel Stress
  8. Prep for Travel with Quality of Life Supplements

Got the Travel Jitters?

It’s normal to feel anxious, stressed out, and nervous before you travel. No matter how much of a seasoned traveler you are, you’re bound to worry about something before you depart. 

Some signs of travel anxiety include:

  • Not being able to sleep before your trip
  • Irritability with your travel partners 
  • Inability to focus on work or fun activities
  • Constant worrying about packing and preparing
  • Nightmares about travel disasters
  • Financial worries

Luckily, there are plenty of tools to help you stay calm while traveling. We’re here to help with that. 

Traveling can be a fun, enlightening experience; it doesn’t have to work your nerves. When you feel well-prepared physically and mentally, you can enjoy your trip without worries.

Flight Anxiety

Flying on an airplane can be a stressful experience for anyone, regardless of age or experience. Many people feel a loss of control and significant anxiety about plane ride disasters.

Statistically speaking, airplane rides are safer than riding in cars. However, this does little to ease most peoples’ nerves, especially since anxiety isn’t always rational. 

Flying on an airplane can (and should) be a relaxing, restful experience. That’s where Serenelle® comes in.

Serenelle®: Calm Your Nerves While Flying

Serenelle® is our premium stress relief supplement. Unlike other anti-stress supplements, Serenelle® provides non-drowsy, energizing stress relief so that you can stay on top of your travel plans.* 

This supplement is especially helpful for parents and others who must stay awake, alert, and calm throughout their flights. Serenelle® can increase clarity and focus while simultaneously reducing feelings of stress.* 

Serenelle® works to balance the stress hormones your body releases when you’re worrying about something.* Balancing stress hormones will signal to your body that you’re safe and reduce physical symptoms of stress.

This supplement also helps your brain generate calming waves called alpha waves. Beta waves are responsible for nerve-racking sensations and emotions, so by promoting alpha wave formation, Serenelle® helps your brain calm down.* 

Serenelle® contains adaptogens, natural compounds that combat physical stressors in your body.* This means that as you board your flight, you can feel at ease and tension-free. 

Take Serenelle® to make every flight a relaxing experience.* 

Stay Healthy While Traveling: Immune Health Supplements

Our immune system support supplements can help you remain healthy as you travel to and through your destination. 

It’s important to keep your body healthy when you travel. During travel, you are exposed to new people and places, which can challenge your immune system. 

By taking Quality of Life immune health supplements, you can feel well enough to fully experience your destinations.*

Boost Your Immune Function with AHCC®*

AHCC® supplements are some of our most popular products. With AHCC® in your travel bag, you can enjoy your experiences as your immune system functions smoothly.* 

AHCC® is a proprietary blend of mushroom root extracts that boosts and supports your immune system’s defenses.* This compound works with specific immune cells to facilitate better, more efficient immune function.* 

Our AHCC® supplements work in the following ways:

  • Boost immune resistance*
  • Strengthen and speed up immune responses*
  • Promote peak T-cell activity*
  • Promote optimal natural killer cell activity*
  • Increase populations and activities of dendritic cells*
  • Manage macrophage activity*

This proprietary ingredient gives your immune cells the extra help they need to fight off health threats.* 

We have three AHCC® supplements — AHCC® Gold, AHCC® Platinum, and AHCC® RX. Choose the best AHCC® product based on your immune system’s needs so you can stay healthy while you travel!*

Immune Support, Detoxification, and Protection: Advasorb® Vitamin C*

Advasorb® Vitamin C gives you more in your vitamin C supplements.* Typical vitamin C supplements are poorly absorbed in your body, which makes them far less effective. 

Advasorb® Vitamin C contains a fast-absorbing form of vitamin C to deliver maximum health benefits right into your system.* Your body can better use the vitamin C in Advasorb® Vitamin C for immune health, detoxification, and anti-aging.* 

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. This means it protects against free radical damage, which harms healthy cells and tissues in your body. 

When you take Advasorb® Vitamin C, you’re protecting your healthy tissues from age-related damage and promoting a more youthful appearance.* 

Advasorb® Vitamin C contains milk thistle extract, which detoxifies your system.* Milk thistle has been shown to help remove tobacco smoke, heavy metals, and other toxins that could harm your health.* 

When you’re traveling, you never know what could be in the air. Take Advasorb® Vitamin C for optimal immune system and health protection.* 

Tips to Reduce Travel Stress

Follow this guide to ease your stress before you travel. 

Pack Your Travel Bags Early

Don’t wait until the night before you leave to pack. Make sure your carry-on bag and other travel bags are stocked with personal hygiene items, supplements, and other travel essentials.

Rest Up Before Your Trip

Getting poor sleep can amplify feelings of stress and anxiety. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night before you leave for your trip. 

Bring Headphones

Whether you’re flying or riding as a passenger in a car, train, or bus, make sure you take a pair of headphones or earbuds. You can turn on relaxing music or even do a meditation session with plenty of privacy. 

Prep for Travel with Quality of Life Supplements

We offer research-based ingredients and strict quality control protocols, so you can trust the supplements you’re getting.* Get ready for your trip using Quality of Life premium health supplements!

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