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One Skin for Life

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Why should we concern ourselves with skin?

FACT: Skin is the largest organ of our body. It protects the internal organs, acts as a barrier against infection, controls body temperature, and allows us to feel pressure, pain, heat, and cold. When exposed to UV rays, skin manufactures vitamin D, which in turn promotes calcium absorption, essential to healthy teeth and bones.

Skin reflects the state of our health and the lifestyle choices we make:

  • Healthy skin comes from eating a balanced diet and nutrients including vitamin A, riboflavin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, and an ample allotment of water, preferably eight glasses a day.
  • Consuming alcohol enlarges blood vessels that can redden or flush the cheeks. Chronic drinkers tend to have enlarged blood vessels, oil glands and pores, and may develop liver disease.
  • Wrinkles form around eyes and mouths as a result of tightening lips around cigarettes. Skin can also become an unnatural color from lack of oxygen. Smoking and chewing tobacco can also lead to adverse skin reactions of lip cancer, mouth cancer, and emphysema.
  • Basic hygiene. Daily face washing and regular showers and baths keep skin healthy. Keep cuticles clean and intact to protect the nail bed and new growth. Users of nail polish, nail glues, and artificial nails should periodically discontinue use so natural nails can breathe between applications.
  • Keeps skin supple, but is also a cause for infection if the skin is not cleaned and dried after a sweat-filled session.
  • Skin ailments and stress. Habits like nail biting, lip biting, scratching and rubbing skin in response to stress can hurt the skin and lead to various skin infections.
  • Body piercings and tattoos. Though popular for artistic expression, skin infection and exposure to blood-borne pathogens is possible if proper health procedures are not followed and if one is allergic to the metals or dyes used.
  • Hairstyles and hair products. Hair dyes and frequent hair perms can cause allergic skin reactions. Hair weaves, tight braiding, use of flat irons, curling irons, and overuse of hair relaxing techniques can subject hair to premature breakage or hair loss.
  • Sun safety and indoor tanning. UV radiation is a known human carcinogen. Ninety percent of skin ageing is caused by sun exposure without adequate sunscreen protection. And, it is said more people develop skin cancer from use of indoor tanning beds than develop lung disease from smoking.

Normal healthy skin is not without bouts of dryness, sensitivity, oiliness, congestion, wrinkles, sun damage, and signs of ageing. Make skin health a top priority when skin is subject to excessive physical or environmental situations or when skin incidents become more noticeable and frequent.

What are the top skin problems facing America’s 327 million people?

  • Acne is a common skin condition for 50 million Americans between the ages of 12 to 24, though adults in their 30s and 40s may also have acne.
  • Hair loss, commonly hereditary thinning or baldness affects 50 million men and 30 million women. It is the reason behind 95 percent of men’s hair loss.
  • Eczema affects 28 million people, 90 percent diagnosed before reaching age 5.
  • Rosacea affects 16 million Americans, primarily people between 30 and 60 years old with fair complexions, blond hair and blue eyes.
  • Psoriasis impacts 7.5 million Americans, usually adults between 45 to 64 years old. Four out of ten experience joint inflammation that mimics symptoms of arthritis.

Make good lifestyle choices and optimize skin health by establishing a regular and consistent skincare routine:

  • Apply daily protection from UV radiation;
  • Minimize the use of soaps, excess water, and chemical-filled products to reduce irritation and dryness;
  • Use moisturizers every day as a lead protective skin barrier.
  • Use supplements to prevent dryness and discomfort like QOL's skin health Exequel™!
Take care of your skin! It’s all you’ve got for life.

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