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Take Care of Your Mental Health At Home

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The mental health toll of the pandemic is becoming increasingly more apparent. With little access to social gatherings and work, you and many others might be feeling an increase in anxiety and stress. However, there are many ways to cope in these times that keep you safe. Read on below to find out how you can boost your mood from home through Zoom calls, virtual doctor visits, online support groups, and more.

Join an online support group

The internet is an indispensable resource. If you’re quarantining alone and feeling isolated, you may want to join an online support group. Turn2Me is a platform that connects people through online support groups facilitated by mental health professionals, as well as professional counseling. Joining a group is free and totally anonymous - all you must do is book a space. The site also has a wealth of information surrounding mental health to help you navigate tough times.

Have a virtual visit with your therapist or doctor

Quarantine and social distancing shouldn’t keep you from getting the help you need from a medical professional. Many therapists, psychologists, and doctors have set up virtual practices to continue helping patients. With applications like Zoom, it’s easy to have a one-on-one consultation with your doctor or just have a frank discussion around your mental state. If you’re in search of someone to talk to, check out Doctor on Demand or your insurance provider.

Consider taking a mood supplement

For an extra mood boost, consider adding a supplement to your daily routine. At Quality of Life, we offer a range of supplements including Serenelle and PureBalance Serotonin that are designed to improve mood and lower stress. Serenelle features several powerful ingredients like GABA, a naturally occurring amino acid, and L-theanine, which help to reduce anxiety, stress, and fatigue. PureBalance Serotonin includes 5-HTP, the raw material your body uses to make serotonin, along with rhodiola, L-theanine, Vitamin D3, and Relora to help you manage stress and improve immunity.

Meditate the worries away

By now, you’ve probably already heard of the many benefits of mediation. It lowers levels of stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, and improves self-esteem. Luckily, meditation can be done from anywhere and can be as simple as closing your eyes and sitting still for five minutes. According to a 2018 Harvard study, people who went through the process of "clearing their minds" for 15 minutes each day over a two-month period saw a change in gene expression that regulated inflammation, circadian rhythms, and glucose metabolism, which saw a decrease in blood pressure brought on by stress. If you’re a newbie to meditation and need some guidance, apps like Calm and Headspace offer beginner lessons that will ease you into the practice.

Connect with friends and family online

With Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, and more online video services, it’s now easier than ever to stay connected with family and friends. Respect social distancing rules by doing what you would normally do in-person online. Play a fun virtual game with your friends, like Cards Against Humanity or bingo, host a weekly book club, organize a wine night, have a dance party, or watch a movie. Having a sense of community and staying connected with others, even virtually, will instantly elevate your mood.

Improve your mood through exercise

It’s no secret...getting physical exercise can greatly improve your mental health. Studies show a link between physical activity and lower levels of depression, anxiety, and other bad moods. If you can get outside safely, go for a walk, run, or hike around your neighborhood. If going outside isn’t an option for you, there are numerous Indoor activities you can do at home that will get your blood pumping and your mind feeling good. Find a yoga practice to follow online, try a sweat-inducing HIIT workout, or just do some sit-ups. Whatever you can do to stay active will be a great stress reliever.

We understand that times are tough. What are some ways you maintain a healthy mental state during this health crisis? Share your tips by leaving a comment below!

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