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The Importance of Women’s Sleep

International Women’s Day is about recognizing the health challenges they overcome. When it comes to women’s health, sleep is often an overlooked health issue. Sleep affects women’s weight, mood, and overall energy. Studies show that people need 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. And these studies also show that women need more sleep than men! Women are natural multitaskers, which means they are using more of their brain than men. This results in women needing more sleep than men.

These are common health problems in associated with women sleeping;

  • Insomnia

Women suffer insomnia more than men, with statistics showing a ratio of 63% vs.  54%. Insomnia in women can be caused by either menstruation, menopause, a new-born, or menopause. Women who are pregnant will have a much more difficult time sleeping due to hormonal changes, weight changes during pregnancy & how often the baby moves in the womb.

  • Night Pain

Studies indicate that women suffer more nighttime pain than men. This could be physical or mental discomfort. Migraines or arthritis are often associated with nighttime pain in women.

  • Sleep Apnea

1 in 4 women will have sleep apnea over the age of 65. Sleep apnea is higher in women than men over the age of 50 because of the onset of menopause. This health issue is higher in women with higher blood pressure.

International Women’s Day is about recognizing the health challenges that women are faced with. These are every day issues that have a significant impact on women’s health.

What can women do to improve their sleep and overcome these challenges? Here are some helpful tips:

  • Adopt healthy eating habits that include fresh fruits and vegetables. Studies indicate that some fruits and vegetables that include Vitamin B help regulate melatonin, which helps regulate sleep.
  • Staying off electronics before bed keeps the mind less occupied before sleep. Phones and other devices are known to keep the mind restless and occupied, making it harder for the mind to sleep.
  • Avoiding late night snacks or meals before bed. Eating snacks or meals an hour or two before bed can cause you stay energized and keep you awake at night.

In contrast, some foods help you sleep better at night. Eating these healthy snacks will help women keep their mind rested and have a well-rested night.

  • A 28 gram (quarter cup) serving of almonds.
  • Eating 1-2 kiwis.
  • A quarter cup of walnuts.
  • Passionflower tea.
  • Chamomile tea.

Incorporating these foods into a women’s diet before bed will help you maintain a better night’s rest.

What can you learn from this information?

The value of all of this information is to recognize how challenging it is for women to get sleep. International Women’s Day is about understanding and bringing more awareness to women’s sleep and how to help women get more rest.

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