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The Link Between Your Gut and Kidney Health

The immune system is our body’s line of defense against foreign invaders that can compromise our health. Because of how critical the immune system is, there’s always a new ideas on how you can boost your immunity, especially with what foods to eat and supplements to take. However, most of it boils down to gut health, as researchers found that a healthy gut is strongly correlated to a healthy and well-functioning immune system.

Our kidneys and gut health

More than just protecting you from harmful microorganisms, researchers also say gut health is also linked to kidney health and vice versa. In fact, they say that when the kidneys are in poor shape, so is our gut. This kidney-gut connection can be traced all the way back to the food we eat.

The way our gut works is, our gut microorganisms eat our undigested food and produce byproducts that can be both good and bad. Nothing wrong with the good byproducts, but the bad ones would be excreted through a multitude of ways, one of them by being processed and excreted by our kidneys.

When our kidneys are healthy or aren't having difficulty processing “bad” by products, we secrete these compounds through urination. However, the problem starts when the kidneys are overwhelmed or have certain problems that are preventing them from effectively removing toxins and other harmful byproducts from our system. If not averted, these byproducts can trigger health problems that may negatively affect our gut health, which in turn will also be bad news for our immunity.

The best foods for your kidneys

You want to make sure your kidneys are working properly 24/7, and the best way to do that is to not overwhelm them. You can do this by changing your diet into something more “kidney” friendly.

What are the best foods to eat for our kidneys? Here are some of them:

1. Water

One of the best things you can take for your kidneys is actually not even solid. Water helps keep the kidneys well-hydrated which allows the kidneys to expel urine better and more efficiently.

Water also helps in digestion in general, and keeping your gut properly hydrated means it’s also capable of absorbing nutrients better than if it was dehydrated.

2. Fatty Fish

The body is unable to make omega-3 on its own, hence why we need to eat fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and other cold-water fish. Omega-3 can help prevent health conditions strongly related to heart health, which coincidentally also affect our kidneys in the long term.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil is mainly composed of monounsaturated fat, also known as oleic acid. Oleic acid can help the body normalize it’s inflammation response which helps maintain overall health, especially for our kidneys.

And of course, olive oil is heart healthy, so that’s a good bonus.

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a really nutrient-dense vegetable that’s not only really good for your kidneys with all the nutrients it offers, but it also possesses compounds that help keep a healthy inflammatory response.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and are known to be rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants can protect the body against a lot of health problems, especially those related to our kidneys. They’re also low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, minerals that you don’t want to have excess of if you’re looking to maintain long-term kidney health.


Our gut health determines how healthy the rest of the body is simply because of how it’s strongly linked to immunity. Other than our immune system, our gut health also plays a huge factor when it comes to how our organs do their job, and the kidneys are one of them. If you maintain a diet rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and other compounds that can help with better inflammatory response, not only will your gut microorganisms love you, but your kidneys too.

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