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Why our Immune System is Not out of the woods yet

It's been over a year since we had our lives and routines uprooted; we had to lock ourselves at home, and facemasks became a staple in everyone's wardrobe. Remember when toilet paper was the hottest commodity, and baking banana bread was a daily occurrence?

It's safe to say we've come a long way since then, and life has seemed to unpause for the most part. But unfortunately, in unpredictable times like these, you can never foresee what may happen next, so it's important to stay vigilant when it comes to your health.

Now more than ever, it's important to remember these essential health practices:

Wash your hands

Handwashing is perhaps the most crucial aspect of immunity and hygiene. The CDC says that if people regularly washed their hands, over a million lives would be saved every year.

We pick up harmful microorganisms everywhere. We touch many surfaces that millions of other hands have touched, such as handrails, doorknobs, even seatbelts in taxis or buses. Then, our hands also touch our face, nose, and mouth. Our hands become transportation for harmful microorganisms to enter our bodies and wreak havoc.

Simply washing our hands can remove a significant threat source, boosting our chances of staying healthy and worry-free.

Sanitize anything before using them

A year ago, sanitizer was flying off the shelves, and everyone was on their 'A' game when it came to sanitizing their hands and anything they touched. Now, people have become less cautious. It might be time to restock the sanitizer wipes! Like washing hands, this is important, especially for items that come into contact with our skin like clothes, hats, accessories, phones, computers, and gym equipment.

Remember, sanitizing doesn't have to involve industrial chemicals. Simply using a wet wipe or tissue with some alcohol sprayed on it and wiping said items can help reduce the chances of catching a bad microbe.

Stay in well-ventilated places

One of the best ways to avoid airborne microorganisms is by not finding yourself cramped in tight spaces with groups of people, especially strangers. If your priority is staying healthy right now, it's your best bet to stay in areas where you have a good amount of personal space.

If the weather permits, do things outside rather than indoors. If you want to dine out, consider Al Fresco dining. If you attend a live concert or event, give yourself some space.

Take AHCC® Kinoko Platinum for Ultimate Protection*

If you want to give your immune system an edge, take a natural immune-boosting supplement, like our AHCC® Kinoko Platinum.

AHCC® Kinoko Platinum uses a unique mushroom extract called AHCC®. This mushroom has been studied in scientific labs on actual humans and proven to provide immune-boosting properties. Over 30 human trials have confirmed that AHCC® strengthens immunity by:

  • Maintaining ideal NK cell activity*
  • Increasing cytokine production*
  • Boosting T-cell and macrophage activities*

With just two capsules a day, AHCC® Kinoko Platinum is one of the most effective natural ways that you can optimize your immunity and stay safe!


We have come a long way from total lockdown, but now is not the time to neglect our health. Wash your hands, sanitize items before use, and do your best to avoid closed spaces.

We cannot predict the future or what health threat may be looming down the road, but we can put our best foot forward by remembering these critical hygiene practices and taking AHCC® Kinoko Platinum!

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