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Turmeric Spice Latte: A Healthier Option Than PSL for Fall

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Pumpkin spice lattes are a staple drink for fall, there’s no doubt about it. While they are delicious and celebrate the cozy autumn flavors and vibe, they might not always be the healthiest option. Especially if you aren’t making your own and are purchasing your PSL from a café or a storebought mix. PSL is typically loaded with sugary syrups and drizzles, so it’s time to upgrade to a healthier homemade option this fall!

Try our recipe for a healthy turmeric spice latte. But first, learn about all the powerful components of turmeric that will have you ready to embrace the flavor and wellness benefits of this beverage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn why turmeric has been used for its health benefits for thousands of years.
  • Find out why it’s important to use a bioavailable form of curcumin from turmeric to provide round the clock inflammation modulation.*
  • Try out our recipe for a turmeric spice latte as an alternative to pumpkin spice latte this fall.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Turmeric and What are its Benefits?
  2. What is an Antioxidant?
  3. Quality of Life's Curcumin-SR Supplement
  4. Try this Turmeric Spice Latte Recipe this Fall
  5. Make Turmeric Your Go-To Ingredient this Season

What is Turmeric and What are its Benefits?

Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years as both a spice and medicinal herb. It’s used in many traditional Asian dishes and can be incorporated into the diet in a number of ways whether through meals, drinks, or even supplementation.

Recent studies have shown that turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. The main component of interest in turmeric is curcumin, which is widely recognized for reducing inflammation in the body and can provide relief to arthritis pain and muscle soreness.* By reducing inflammation and oxidation in the body, turmeric can improve many factors that contribute to cardiovascular health risks.* It has even been shown that turmeric may be an effective treatment in mental health concerns and boosting brain function.*

Experts say the root of several major health problems is an inadequate inflammatory response. Studies back up that curcumin helps reduce the damaging effects of a poorly regulated response, and even improve the body's response.*

What is an Antioxidant?

We have all heard the word, but do we understand what an antioxidant actually is?

Here's a quick rundown: an antioxidant is a compound that protects our bodies from oxidation, which is unstable molecules within our bodies that cause damage and are produced due to environmental factors and other stressors. There are many food items that act as powerful antioxidants, and they can do wonders when incorporated into the diet.

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant. This means it can give your body an edge against potentially damaging free radicals.*

Turmeric is also linked to healthier joints. Many joint health problems are rooted in an overactive inflammatory response, so curcumin's ability to help your body have a proper inflammatory response will significantly benefit your joints!*

All these health benefits are why turmeric has grown such a following over the past few years; everyone wants to get their hands on the yellow spice, and for a good reason!

Quality of Life's Curcumin-SR Supplement

Unfortunately, curcumin is not known to be absorbed well by the body. So, if you are looking to incorporate a turmeric supplement to gain its health benefits, then it is important to choose one that is bioavailable.

Bioavailability means how much of the ingredient can actually be absorbed by your body, and it only maintains its health properties when it is present in the bloodstream. Curcumin is notorious for lacking in bioavailability. In fact, laboratory research indicates that regular curcumin is cleared from the blood within one hour of administration!

That’s the problem that Quality of Life’s Curcumin-SR™ was formulated to solve. Delivering sustained release over 12 hours, Curcumin-SR™ contains MicroCurcumin™, a special form of curcumin that has 10 times greater bioavailability than regular curcumin. As a result, it consistently elevates blood levels of the compound, providing round the clock inflammation modulation.*

Try This Turmeric Latte Recipe This Fall

If you want to improve your health while enjoying your daily cup of coffee, we urge you to try this turmeric spice latte recipe. Once you've had this, you won’t feel the need for any sugary and overly sweet pumpkin spice lattes this season. You’ll be gaining all the health benefits of turmeric while still enjoying the flavors fall has to offer!


  • 2 cups oatmilk (or any milk alternative you prefer)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • pinch of ground cinnamon
  • pinch of black pepper
  • One teaspoon honey or maple syrup


  • Ground cinnamon (or cinnamon stick) or pumpkin pie spice


  1. In a small saucepan, whisk milk, turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper. Bring to a boil.
  2. Lower the heat and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and add sweetener of choice (honey or maple syrup suggested) if using.
  3. Using a strainer, divide the turmeric milk into two cups.
  4. Top with cinnamon, cinnamon stick, or pumpkin pie spice

Tip: You can even add this mixture to a half-cup of coffee to combine the two flavor profiles, and especially if you enjoy the taste of coffee—or the caffeine!

Make Turmeric Your Go-To Ingredient this Season

Turmeric might just be one of the best (if not the) best spice out there. It enhances color, boosts flavor, and provides health benefits that positively affect our bodies in many ways. If you want the highest quality and more potent turmeric supplement on the market, we recommend Curcumin-SR™.

But if you want to savor the taste of the spice while still gaining its health benefits in new and enjoyable recipes, then swap out the PSL for a tasty turmeric spice latte this autumn!

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